The right to life


A pregnant women discovers that the child she is expecting, according to the medical analyses, is very likely to be with a genetic disorder. Struggling with her own fears and doubts, as well as with the prejudices of the society, Maria faces a very hard choice.



2020 Independent International Film Festival-SIFFA
2020 Seize the Film
2020 Kinoshok
2020 Integracja Ty i Ja
2020 Festival Inclús
2020 The Golden Unicorn Awards & Russian Film Week
2020 Rodi Festival
2020 Stalker International Film Festival 
2020 CineMAiubit International Film Festival
2021 Eight women International Women’s Film Festival 
2021 EQAD Equality and Diversity Film Festival
2021 Linz International Short Film Festival
2021 The Extraordinary Film Festival
2022 Breaking Down Barriers Film Festival